The village


La Place Saint Hugues

Welcome to Semur-en-Brionnais, an historic village in southern Burgundy
which has been designated as “one of the most beautiful villages in France”
and was a founder member of the Association “Les Plus Beaux Villages de France”.

Semur-en-Brionnais was the historic capital of the Brionnais.
It was probably established by the Gauls and later settled by the Romans.
The name comes from the Latin “Senemurum” – old walls.

Nowadays the village has a population of 649 and is best known for its history, picturesque old buildings and beautiful surrounding countryside. It attracts thousands of visitors each year.
Various walking tours of the village and surrounding area are possible.

The Château St Hugues

The castle was built in the 10th century as part of a hilltop fort overlooking the Loire valley. It was built as a lookout and defensive post against invasion by the Normans and Hungarians. It was the birthplace, in 1024, of Hugues of Semur, later St Hugues, who founded Cluny Abbey.

This castle is looked after by the association “Les Vieilles Pierres” and is open for
unguided visits from 1st March to 15th November.
The Vieilles Pierres also offer 4 guided visits showing different aspects of the village.

Our Churches and Chapels

Intérieur de la collégiale Saint Hilaire

The Collégiale Sainte Hilaire was built in the 12th century and is now an historic monument.
”Les Amis de la Collegiale” raise funds for the restoration of the church by organising concerts in the summer months.

La chapelle St-Martin la Vallée

The chapel St Martin de la Vallée was the parish church until 1274.

The chapel is open during the tourist season and you can also take a guided visit.

This hamlet was the original site of Semur-en-Brionnis before the construction of the castle.

La petite chapelle de la Perrière

The tiny Chapelle de la Perrière is situated a few metres from the War Memorial

Montmegin interior

This chapel was restored by the Association Sauvegarde de la Chapelle de Montmegin which continues to care for the chapel. Montmegin is a small hamlet in the woods to the north of the centre of

The Chapter House

The Chapter House

Built as a small monastery, this building later housed the village school and now contains, among other things, an exhibition of Romanesque Architecture in the Brionnais, a meeting room, offices and the village library.

The Convent

Le Prieuré St Hugues

An important building in the village is the Priory of Saint Hugues, which you can visit.
The building has a long history but is now the Convent of the Sisters of the Order of Saint John

Tourist Office

Office de Tourisme et l'éntée du chateau

At the foot of the castle, in the historic centre of the village, you will find a Tourist Information Point. Here you will find information about the village, the Brionnais area as well as Southern Burgundy in general.

This Information Point is open from March to November but the Tourist Office in Marcigny is open all year round.

This building is also the entrance to the castle.


L'Entrecôte Brionnaise

Again in the historic centre is our restaurant, the Entrecote Brionnaise, run by Monique Lecomte.
It is open 7 days a week for hot or cold drinks and traditional local cuisine.


Hebergement new

Semur-en-Brionnais can offer 3 bed and breakfast rooms and 2 gites.

Campervans and Motorhomes

Le parking principal

Semur-en-Brionnais welcomes campervans and motorhomes.

There are two places where you can park your vehicle, both of which are free. If you are here for only one night you are welcome to use the facilities in the main car park near the centre of the village. For more than one night, or if you prefer to stay in the countryside, please use the facilities at the football ground.


Click here for a map showing the location of the village
